Iran: Call to condemn criminal execution of a student in Rasht


The criminal hanging of Rashid Kouhi, a 28-year-old student, on the pretext of smuggling narcotics demonstrated the brutality of the religious fascism ruling Iran in a most appalling manner. The Iranian Resistance once again urges all international human rights bodies to unequivocally condemn this antihuman crime.

Despite international objections, Rashid Kouhi was hanged on Saturday April 9, along with four other prisoners, in Central Prison in the city of Rasht as the Italian Prime Minister and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs are about to visit Tehran. Rashid Kouhi was arrested in 2011 and was condemned to death while deprived of the right to defense and appeal.

In a call to save the life of this young prisoner Amnesty International wrote that his execution “demonstrates the Iranian authorities’ utter disregard for the right to life and their determination to continue with a staggering execution spree that saw nearly 1000 people put to death last year.”

The Iranian Resistance brings the attention of European leaders, especially Mr. Renzi and Ms. Mogherini, to the fact that political and economic relations with the Iranian regime encourage it in its savage violation of human rights and export of terrorism and fundamentalism and that these relations must be preconditioned to an improvement of human rights, in particular a halt to executions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 10, 2016

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