Iran: Call on behalf of prisoners awaiting execution

Behnoud Shojaii facing gallows soonNCRI – The mullahs’ regime has transferred a number of prisoners from Gohardasht (Karaj) prison as well as from other prisons to the notorious torture chamber of Evin in order to carry out a mass execution.

According to obtained reports, Behnoud Shojaii, who was younger than 18 years of age when committing an alleged crime, is one of the prisoners awaiting execution. Mojtaba Abbassi, about 29 years old, and Roshan Samim, close to 25 years old, were also relocated from Gohardasht to Evin prison. Both have spent five of the best years of their lives in the mullahs’ medieval prisons.

Some prisoners have also reportedly been taken from other wards of Gohardasht prison to the notorious Even prison.

Meanwhile, on December 21, one prisoner identified as Ali Sadeghi, 35, was murdered under torture at Dastgerd prison in Isfahan, and another prisoner identified as Hamid Heidari, 29, was sent to solitary confinement to be executed.

In a separate development, state-run media have run reports about the mass execution of five prisoners on December 18 in the holy city of Qom; They were identified as Mohammad-Reza, 37, Hamid, 22, Alireza, 41, Hossein, 37, and Ismael, 26 (Iran newspaper, December 20, 2008). Also, on December 13, five prisoners were hanged in Langarood prison (northern Iran).

The Iranian Resistance warns about another occurrence of brutal mass executions of prisoners, and brings the gruesome human rights situation in Iran to the attention of all international human rights organizations and authorities, especially the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, while demanding that the human rights abuses dossier in Iran be referred to the UN Security Council for the adoption of immediate binding measures to stop this criminal trend.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 24, 2008

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