Iran: Call for Immediate Action to Overturn the Medieval Amputation Ruling by the Clerical Regime

amputation of limbs, NCRI, Iran, Human Rights
Amputation of limbs in Iran

It’s the clerical regime’s hands, the Supreme Leader Khamenei and his conglomerates, as well as the IRGC, the Judiciary, the parliament, and his government that must be cut short from the lives and wealth of the Iranian people, and the usurped sovereignty must be returned to the Iranian people.

The criminal Judiciary of the clerical regime has sentenced four prisoners in Urmia to amputation of limbs on the charge of robbery. The disgusting sentence comes while Khamenei, Rouhani, Ebrahim Raisi, and other top clerics and their corrupt sons and daughters, as well as the leaders of the Revolutionary Guards, are by far the biggest thieves in Iran’s history, plundering hundreds of billions of dollars from the people’s wealth. This is done at the cost of hunger, poverty, and unemployment of tens of millions of people, skyrocketing inflation, and the destruction of the country’s economy.

The only hands that must be cut short from the lives and the wealth of the Iranian people are those of the despicable clerical regime, Khamenei, his offices, the Revolutionary Guards, the Judiciary, the parliament, and the government, and the usurped sovereignty must be handed over to the Iranian people.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary-General, the Human Rights Council, and the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the relevant UN special rapporteurs, to take immediate action to overturn these criminal sentences and rescue the four detainees. The anti-human clerical regime and its medieval rulings, such as the amputation of limbs, are a disgraceful stain on contemporary humankind. This regime does not represent the Iranian people and must be expelled from the United Nations. The regime will construe silence and inaction as a green light to continue and intensify its crimes.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
September 25, 2020

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