Iran: Beating, battering, retrial of political prisoner and PMOI supporter Ali Moezzi


By bringing false charges and in a sham trial, henchmen gave him another year in prison although he has finished his prison term

NCRI- Mullahs’ regime judiciary condemned Mr. Ali Moezzi, 65, political prisoner and supporter of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), to one more year in prison through fabricated allegations. On Monday, May 4, in a sham trial in city of Karaj, this sentence was communicated to Mr. Moezzi who had been forcibly transferred to the sham court.

Monday morning, henchmen summoned Mr. Moezzi to participate in the “court”. He stated in writing that he considers the “court” illegal and illegitimate and would not partake in it. Subsequently, a drove of criminals headed by an IRGC Major battered him. He was hit against the iron bars which caused an injury to his forehead with severe bleeding.

In that condition, the IRGC elements dragged him on the ground and transferred him to the court while his hands and feet were in shackles. The brutal cleric Asef Hosseini, the head of this so-called court insulted and threatened Mr. Ali Moezzi while condemning him to an extra year in prison. Mr. Moezzi refused to sign the court sentence. The objective of this fabrication of charges and retrial is to keep him in prison although his prison term is over.

Mr. Ali Moezzi is a political prisoner of 1980s. He was arrested once again in Tehran on November 11, 2008 because of visiting his two children in Ashraf. He was arrested for a third time on June 15, 2011 while it was just a few days after his surgery for cancer and despite the fact that he was in dire condition and was transferred to solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin Prison. His arrest was due to his participation in the burial ceremony of Mr. Mohsen Dogmechi, a PMOI prisoner tormented to death in prison by refusing him all medical care.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 5, 2015

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