Iran: Barbaric raid on Tehran hospital to arrest the wounded, medical staff resist

NCRI – Agents of the regime’s notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security and anti-riot forces launched an inhumane raid on Tehran’s Hezar Takhtekhabi Hospital at 01.30 am on Sunday to arrest those injured during clashes on Saturday.  The agents assaulted the medical staff there. The suppressive forces continued with their pressures until 03.30 am when they were finally forced to leave following resistance by the medical staff and the relatives of those injured. In the course of the standoff, treatment for the injured had to be put on hold even as the number of injured people transferred to the hospital increased.

NCRI – Agents of the regime’s notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security and anti-riot forces launched an inhumane raid on Tehran’s Hezar Takhtekhabi Hospital at 01.30 am on Sunday to arrest those injured during clashes on Saturday.  The agents assaulted the medical staff there. The suppressive forces continued with their pressures until 03.30 am when they were finally forced to leave following resistance by the medical staff and the relatives of those injured. In the course of the standoff, treatment for the injured had to be put on hold even as the number of injured people transferred to the hospital increased.

The attack on the hospital by the agents caused fear among those with deep wounds and they were forced to leave hospital quickly to avoid arrest with only minor treatment. This may result complications in their health at a later stage.

In another development, Ahmad-Reza Radan, the deputy head of the State Security Force (SSF) on Sunday announced that 60 of the organizers of the protests in Tehran had been arrested. He warned that those arrested would be ‘seriously dealt with’ and vowed that the rest of the organizers would be arrested in the coming days.

The social headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) said that in reality several hundred people had been arrested in Tehran.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, urged the UN Secretary General, Security Council, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and all human rights organizations to condemn the barbaric suppression of the people of Tehran, in particular the attack on the wounded, and take urgent action to free those arrested.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 14, 2009


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