Iran: Attack by the Special Prison Guards on the Gohardasht political prisoners

NCRI – Last week in a raid by the Special Guards of the notorious Gohardasht prison, a number of prisoners were injured. The move came at the time when the prisoners protested against transferring Mr. Mehrdad Lohrasbi, presently on hunger strike, to solitary confinement. He was arrested during the student uprisings of the 1999.

Shortly before the attack, Haj Kazem, Gohardasht’s prison warden, threatened Mr. Lohrasbi that he would be transferred to solitary confinement if he does not end his hunger strike. However, Mr. Lohrasbi shouted in defiance: "Death to [Ali] Khamenei," and "Death to [Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad."
Subsequently, the guards raided the political prisoners’ ward, beating up the inmates who were resisting the move and transferred Lohrasbi to solitary confinement. As a result Messrs Afshin Baimani, Behrouz Javid Tehrani and Amir Hossein Saran were severely injured.

Other inmates have threatened to go on hunger strike if Lohrasbi is not released and returned to his ward immediately.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and all other international human rights organizations to condemn the mullahs’ regime’s criminal actions against political prisoners and called for designation of an international fact finding mission to investigate the state of the Iranian prisons in particular those of the political prisons.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 16, 2008

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