Iran: At least 34 executed in 11 days

NCRI – The Iranian regime has executed at least 34 prisoners in past 11 days in 7 cities across Iran including many young prisoners in their early 20s.

On Thursday, May 1, the International Workers’ Day, hanged Mostafa Nazi Chalavi, Amir Rouzdar and Babak Vavani in Bandar Abbas Prison bring.

In the city of Karaj, on April 1 and 2, eleven prisoners were executed in two group executions in Ghezel Hessar and Gohardasht prisons. Rasoul Talebei executed in Ghezel Hessar Prison, was 20.

In the city of Kermanshah, on April 27, at least seven prisoners were executed in Diezelabad Prison. Two of those executed identifies as Fariborz Siabani and Fattahi.
In the city of Mashhad, on April 21, 28 and 29, six prisoners were executed including a 20-year-old.

In central prison in the city of Zahedan, on April 2 and 4, three prisoners were executed. On April 26, three political prisoners of the Sunni Balouchi compatriots hanged in public in the city of Zabol. They were 20 to 23 years old.

On April 26 in the city of Semnan a prisoner was hanged in public.

The executions in Iran that is continuing with an unprecedented dimension during Hassan Rouhani’s term in office ends any illusion of moderation of the clerical regime ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 2, 2014

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