Iran: At Least 15 Executions in the Second Week of March


Two prisoners died, including a female inmate, due to medical negligence

Khamenei’s execution and killing machine is working at a high speed in fear of igniting a people’s uprising, and his henchmen handed over 15 prisoners to the gallows during the second week of March.

On Sunday, March 12, Ali Mokhan Saifi was executed in Dieselabad Prison in Kermanshah, and Tawheed Ramezani and Nabi Langrani were executed in Adelabad Prison in Shiraz.

On March 11, Zafar Hadipour, Nader Ebrahimpour, Yunes Koolmarzi, and another prisoner were hanged in Khorramabad Central Prison.

On March 10, Sayad Faramarzi, Saleh Ghasemi, Mansour Abdaizadeh, and Jalal Sardari Fard were hanged in Urmia Prison, and Ahmad Bajizehi was hanged in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz.

On March 9, Jalal Sardari Far was hanged in Urmia Central Prison, and on Tuesday, March 7, Meisam Bahrami and Shahbakhsh Ostadi were hanged in Bandar Abbas Central Prison.

On March 8, a prisoner named Taghizadeh faced heart problems in Urmia Prison and died due to the delay of the prison officials in sending him to the hospital. On March 7th, a female prisoner named Seyedeh Amineh Ahmadi, who had been arrested two years ago, died in Sanandaj Correctional and Training Center Prison due to severe poisoning and lack of medical attention.

On Tuesday, March 7, a Baloch national named Mohammad Rigi was killed in Zahedan after being shot by the military forces of the regime.

The Iranian Resistance once again calls for immediate action by the United Nations, the European Union, and member states to force the mullahs’ regime to stop executions and killings. This regime should be rejected by the international community, the dossier of its crimes should be referred to the United Nations Security Council, and its leaders should be brought to justice for four decades of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI)

March 15, 2023

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