IRAN: Arrest of families of Camp Liberty residents, PMOI members and former political prisoners


In recent days, the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) has arrested a number of families of PMOI (MEK) members and the residents of Camp Liberty and former political prisoners. Mrs. Fatemeh Mosanna, Mrs. Fatemeh Ziaei, Mr. Mahmoud Azimi and Mr. Alireza Shariat Panahi are among the detainees.

Mrs. Fatemeh Mosanna, mother of two, was arrested on October 5 by intelligence agents of the regime in Tehran at her residence. She had spent years in prison for supporting the PMOI (MEK) in the 1980s and had been arrested in February 2013 with her husband, Hassan Sadeghi, and her 17-year-old son, Nima. Their arrest was because they were preparing to commemorate the life of PMOI (MEK) member, Gholamhossein Sadeghi, a PMOI (MEK) member in Camp Liberty who passed away due to the medical blockade. They were released on bail after enduring a year of imprisonment.

Morteza, Ali and Mostafa Mosanna, three brothers of Mrs. Mosanna were martyred by the regime in 1981 and 1982. Morteza Mosanna was also a political prisoner and under torture under the Shah. The other brother of Mrs. Mosanna is in the Camp Liberty prison camp.

Mr. Alireza Shariat Panahi is a sympathizer of the PMOI and a political prisoner of the 1980s who had been imprisoned for years in difficult circumstances in the regime’s medieval prisons despite severe physical disability. He was once again arrested by the regime’s intelligence agents on September 19, 2015 and was transferred to an unknown location.

Mrs. Fatemeh Ziaei and her husband Mahmoud Azimi were arrested in a raid on October 11 by MOIS agents on their home.

Mrs. Ziaei, 58, suffered five years’ imprisonment and torture in the 1980s for supporting the PMOI (MEK). She was arrested on February 20, 2009 for visiting Camp Ashraf and, despite her acute disease, spent more than two years in prison. Because her two daughters are PMOI (MEK) members, she was arrested for a third time on June 8, 2013 by the regime’s intelligence agents while she was in poor physical condition and under treatment.

Mr. Mahmoud Azimi, 64, is a political prisoner of the former regime and has been arrested several times since the 1980s including in 2011 and 2013. His niece, Nastaran Azimi, 23, was killed in the April 8, 2011 attack by Iraqi forces on Camp Ashraf.

Arrest of the families of PMOI (MEK) members and the clerical regime’s malice against sympathizers of the PMOI (MEK) is the other side of the coin of dispatching terrorist Quds Force and MOIS agents to Camp Liberty under the guise of family members, and psychological torture of the Mojahedin and is preparing the ground to launch another massacre.

The Iranian Resistance calls on human rights organizations, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran to strongly condemn these arbitrary arrests and calls for immediate action for the release of the detainees.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 16, 2015

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