Iran : Anti-government demonstration in Orumieh



Government buildings torched, many arrested during uprising in West Azarbaijan

NCRI – Demonstrations erupted in Orumieh yesterday afternoon and continued until late hours in the evening.

On Tuesday afternoon, people came out onto the streets and chanted anti-government slogans. They were met with the State Security Forces (SSF). Many government buildings and centers were torched in the demonstration.

The brutal onslaught on the uprisings in East and West Azarbaijan and Zanjan as well as in Khuzistan, Kurdistan, Sistan and Baluchestan provinces by the SSF and other security forces clearly reflects the weakness and desperation of the regime in the final phase of its rule. 

Yesterday, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, hailed the popular uprising in East and West Azarbaijan and Zanjan provinces and described it as an expression of the nation’s will for the overthrow of the clerical regime in Tehran. She called upon all Iranians, especially the young people, to join the popular uprising of those in Azerbaijan.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 24, 2006

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