Iran: Anti-government demonstration in Ahwaz leaves two killed, dozens wounded

City of Ahwaz (capital of the southwestern, oil-rich Khuzistan Province) was the scene of widespread demonstrations and clashes between residents and the State Security Forces (SSF) on Monday and Tuesday.

On Monday, hundreds of people in Shelang-Abad and Mollahshia district staged a protest. Chanting antigovernment slogans, they clashed with SSF agents.

The suppressive forces opened fire on the protesters, mostly youngsters, to prevent others from joining the demonstration. Several were killed or wounded. A number of young people were arrested and taken to unknown locations.

The protests continued on Tuesday and spread to other parts of the city, including Hamidieh, Kut Abdullah and Ghal’eh. Young people clashed with the SSF and hurled rocks and stick at them. Two young men, Heidari and Filabi, were shot and killed and dozens of those wounded were taken to different hospitals, including Baqai Hospital.

On September 16, thousands of people in Ahwaz had staged a demonstration against the clerical regime. The suppressive forces arrested a number of the protesters and after killing them under torture, threw their charred corpse outside the homes of their families.

Since April, Ahwaz and other cities in the Province have been the scenes of widespread unrest and uprisings. During the six-day uprising by thousands of people in Ahwaz, at least 62 were killed by the Revolutionary Guards and the SSF.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 29, 2005

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