Iran: A political prisoner passed away due to deprivation of medical treatment

Iranian Resistance calls for saving prisoners with acute diseases that the mullahs’ regime intend to torture them to slow death

NCRI – Mr. Alireza Karami Kheirabadi, an employee of the Iranian oil company, a political prisoner of Gohardasht prison, passed away due to deprivation of medical treatment and pressures by the inhuman mullahs’ regime on Saturday April 6.

In the first days of the Iranian New Year (nourouz), he was in critical condition due to acute heart disease. But chief henchman Jaafari Dowlatabadi, Tehran’s chief prosecutor, opposed his transfer to the hospital because he refused to wear prison clothes during transport to the hospital. On March 26, Mr. Kheirabadi’s condition deteriorated and was transferred to hospital. He subsequently went into a coma and eventually lost his life on April 6.

One of his relatives called Najaf Honarjooyan,26, a teacher from Gachsaran was killed by clerical regime due to a pro-MEK, in 1981.

During his 16 years incarceration in dreadful prisons such as Tohid prison, Section 209 of Evin prison and Gohardasht prison, Alireza Kheirabadi got various diseases that he suffered from until his death due to deteriorating conditions in these dungeons and most severe tortures.

The Iranian resistance condemns the international community’s silence against Iranian regime’s crimes. It also calls on the Secretary-General, the UN Security Council , the High Commissioner for Human Rights and other international bodies to take immediate action about the Iranian regimes prisons and the situation of the political prisoners that are suffering from various acute diseases due to the severity of the tortures and medieval prison conditions while the regime’s henchmen deprive them from any medical care. The clerical regime must be abandoned from the United Nations and its leaders must be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 8, 2013

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