Iran: A political prisoner in critical condition while on huger strike

Valiyollah Feiz-Mahdavi, a PMOI sympathizer, has been on huger strike in prison since August 23

Iranian Resistance calls for international efforts to save his life

NCRI – The following statement was issued on September 4 by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran:

According to information received by the Iranian Resistance, Mr. Valiyollah Feiz-Mahdavi, a sympathizer of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran imprisoned in Iran who has been on hunger strike since August 23, 2006, is in a critical condition. The prison guards, who are Revolutionary Guardsmen, have turned a blind eye to his deteriorating health condition and have not taken him to a hospital, according to witnesses inside the prison. When faced with protests by his inmates for not seeing to his condition, a high-ranking prison official said, "Do not worry, he will not die until tomorrow." Late in the evening, due to strong protests by Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi’s fellow inmates, he was transferred from Ward 2 of Gohardasht Prison in Karaj to an unknown location.

Moghanian, head of the prison ward, and Ali Mohammadi, the prison director, had threatened Valiyollah, "You would be better off stopping your hunger strike. Look at what happened to Akbar Mohammadi, nothing was done after his death. You are no better than the others. If you want to die, so be it." Mr. Mohammadi was a political prisoner who died after he was severely tortured by prison guards in late July. It has been a long time since Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi was allowed to see visitors in the prison. He had been told, "You have been sending prison information to outside of the prison. You are better off not having any visitors."

The Iranian Resistance calls on international human rights organizations to act immediately to save the life of Valiyollah Feiz-Mahdavi and to dispatch a fact-finding mission to investigate the deteriorating situation of Iranian prisons.        

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 4, 2006

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