Iran: A new suppressive force called “Center for Command and Control in Interior Ministry” estab

The chief of “Center for Command and Control in Interior Ministry” in Tehran Brig. Gen. Mohammad Namjouyan announced the formation of the new suppressive security apparatus, the official daily Kayhan reported on February 19.

He added, “Hitherto, 17 provinces of the country have been connected through the Information Security Center at the Ministry of Interior. With the Center up and running, on daily basis, information in three areas of security, military and political [security] inside Iran and abroad will be collected. In turn, the data will be passed on to managers of various organs throughout the nation.”

The true purpose of forming parallel security apparatus is to suppress popular uprisings and demonstrations. Since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s arrival this is the twelfth suppressive force in place. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 22, 2007

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