Iran: A family’s plea for internatioal condemnation of execution of three political prisoners of fellow Arab citizens


The religious fascism ruling Iran’s henchmen hanged three young political priosners from fellow Arab citizens this morning (August 17) 3 in Ahwaz Hamidieh with the mullah-made charge of “Moharebeh (enmity against God) and corruption on earth”.

The three prisoners, Qais Obeidavi, 25-year-old law graduate, his 20-year-old brother Ahmad Obeidavi, and their cousin, Sajjad Balawi (Obeidavi), a law student, had been under torture and pressure in solitary confinements of Ahwaz Intelligence from the onset. In addition to the execution of these three men, the mullahs’ judiciary has iised sentences of 25 to 35 years imprisonment for four other political prisoners from Arab compatriots.

The Iranian Resistance offers its condolences to the families of the victims and calls on all fellow compatriots particularly young people across Khouzestan province to stand in solidarity and support with the families of those executed and prisoners.

Thus since the beginning of August, coincident with the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, the execution of 29 political prisoners by the religious dictatorship ruling Iran has been recorded. On August 2nd, 25 Sunni prisoners were executed collectively. The actual number of political execution is more than this.
These executions are a continuation of massacre of political prisoners in 1988 whose perpetrators are also perpetrators of this crime. The officials in charge of executing Khomeini’s fatwa for massacre, and members of the “Death Committee” in 1988, today are among top political, intelligence and military officials of the clerical regime and in charge of suppression and execution.

The Iranian Resistance stresses on the fact that the Iranian regime is able to survive only by execution, torture and suppression, and asks the International community, especially the Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council, member states and all human rights organizations to categorically condemn the new wave of political executions and to refer the dossier of the mullahs regime crimes, especially the massacre of 1988, to the UN Security Council and to bring leaders of this regime to face justice.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 17, 2016

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