Iran: 9 killed and wounded as Security Forces attack villagers in Qeshm

The Iranian regime’s State Security Forces (Police) shot and killed or wounded nine resident of an Iranian village in Qeshm Island in Persian Gulf during an attack on villagers on Saturday.

The attack on village of Kouyeh that left three villagers killed and six others wounded began when the Suppressive Forces seized a boat used for storing fuel by villagers.

The suppressive forces set the boat and a car on fire, destroyed some fuel storages and confiscated residents property. (See photos)

Although this oil-rich region is one of the largest trade centers in Iran, the people of in the area are facing extensive poverty and hardly have enough income to feed their families. Therefore many make a living through smuggling and selling fuel.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran expresses its condolences to the families of the victims of the brutal attack and wishes an immediate recovery for those injured. It calls on the people and brave youth of Qeshm to care for those injured and suffered from the attack.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 16, 2014

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