Iran: 6 youths hanged in 3 days



Iranian Resistance calls for referral of clerical regime’s rights record to the Security Council
Demands regime’s leaders to be tried in an international tribunal

NCRI – According to state-run Fars news agency, three young men were hanged in Sabzevar (in north eastern Iran) yesterday. Two of the youths were 25 years old and another was 21 years old. One of the victims was accused of injuring a member of Iran’s security forces. Also, on December 18, ISNA reported that two youths named Mohsen and Ali Babaipour were hanged in Tehran’s Evin prison while another man was hanged in public in Tehran.
The executions were carried out only two days after the United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution on December 16 condemning Tehran for its continued brutal violations of human rights, including the widespread execution of minors.
The Presidency of the European Union yesterday issued a declaration expressing concern at the worsening situation of human rights in Iran. The declaration stated: “The EU is deeply concerned that the human rights situation in Iran has not improved in any significant respect in recent years, and in many respects has worsened. Use of the death penalty is frequent, including for minor crimes, and executions are often carried out in public.” The EU Presidency added in its declaration: “Iran executed more child offenders in 2005 than in any recent year. Freedom of expression is still severely restricted; censorship of the internet and press is widespread.”
The Iranian Resistance once again stresses the need to refer Iran’s human rights violations to the UN Security Council for adoption of binding measures against the religious fascism ruling Iran. The Resistance also calls for the leaders of the clerical regime to be brought to justice in an international court for their crimes against humanity. The Tehran regime’s leaders are responsible for the massacre of 120,000 political prisoners, the torture of 500,000 political prisoners, the brutal suppression of women, and religious and ethnic minorities, and assassination of thousands of Iranian dissidents and foreign nationals in various countries around the world. They should face justice for their crimes.
The clerical regime has ignored 52 condemnations in resolutions by the United Nations General Assembly and the UNHRC and other international condemnations and continues to conduct brutal executions and medieval punishments. It is therefore imperative that the Iranian regime’s record of human rights violations be referred to the United Nations Security Council.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 21, 2005

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