Iran: 6 prisoners including a woman hanged in Oroumieh and Esfahan

 Eight hangings in two days

NCRI – On Monday, the inhumane regime ruling Iran hanged 6 people at the Esfahan and Oroumieh prisons. In the northwestern town of Oroumieh, in a cruel act, a mother and her son, Mostafa Rahimi, were hanged together. In the central city of Esfahan, four prisoners were executed collectively. The clerical regime’s judiciary has openly declared “raising the level of security” as the goal of these executions. The regime has not released any information about the identities and particulars of the victims.

The execution of political prisoners and dissidents as “troublemakers” and regular offenders is a well-known tactic that the regime has used over the past three decades of its despicable rule.

The recent hangings bring the number of executions in the past two days to eight.

Mohammad Reza Hadadi, 22, who has been incarcerated since the age of 15, is also on the brink of execution. The clerical regime’s judiciary officials have told his father that Mohammad is scheduled to be executed this Wednesday, July 7.

Setting up gallows, especially for the execution of young prisoners, on the brink of the July 9 uprising occurs in order to intensify the atmosphere of fear and repression in society and demonstrates the extent of the faltering regime’s fear over the expansion of popular protests, especially by the courageous university students.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international authorities and human rights organizations, particularly the United Nations Secretary General, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and special rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests and execution to condemn the deteriorating human rights conditions in Iran and enact urgent measures to stop the cruel hangings, particularly in the case of the young prisoner Mohammad Reza Hadadi.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 7, 2010

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