Iran: 56 Criminal Executions in the Past 4 Weeks


As the inhumane regime of the mullahs approaches the anniversary of the nationwide uprising, it persists in executing prisoners without respite as a response to the people’s explosive anger. On Saturday, August 19, two young Baluchi compatriots, Abdul-Samad Shahouzehi and Mahmoud Riggi, both 28 years old and imprisoned since 2012, were executed in Zahedan Central Prison.

On Wednesday, August 16, a prisoner named Ebrahim Mouloudpour was hanged in Dezful Prison, and another prisoner, Hossein Javadi, was executed in Maragheh Prison. On Sunday, August 13, the Khamenei regime’s judiciary executed six prisoners. One Baluchi compatriot named Mohammad Gargij was hanged in Birjand Central Prison, another Baluchi named Abdulghani Arbabi in Kahnouj Prison, Hamed Jamshidi along with another prisoner in Bam Prison, Saeed Biranvand and another prisoner in Khorramabad Central Prison were also hanged.

The agents of the Khamenei’s reign of terror, on Saturday, August 12, hanged another Baluchi compatriot, Cheragh Ali Bameri, in Zahedan Central Prison, and on Thursday, August 10, a female prisoner named Roghieh Abedini was executed in Hamedan Central Prison. On the same day, three other prisoners were executed, as their names were announced in the August 11 statement. Thus, the recorded number of executions in the past 4 weeks reaches 56 cases. Many prisoners are executed clandestinely, and the actual number of executions is much higher.

In recent months, hundreds of compatriots, including Kurdish carriers, fuel carriers, and other citizens, have been killed and wounded due to the gunfire of repressive forces. The killers enjoy complete impunity, and not a single one of them has been held accountable.

The Iranian Resistance once again calls upon the United Nations, the European Union, member states, and human rights organizations to take immediate action to halt the machinery of oppression, execution, and massacre, and to save the lives of prisoners facing execution. The brutal and systematic violation of human rights in Iran must be referred to the United Nations Security Council, and its leaders, especially Khamenei, Raisi, Eje’i, and the commanders of the Revolutionary Guards, must be brought to justice for four decades of crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 20, 2023

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