Iran: 5,000 workers resume strike in the southern city of Shoosh

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Maryam Rajavi called for public's support to the striking workers 
NCRI – 5,000 workers walked out in protest at the Sugar Cane Factory in the southern city of Shoosh on Tuesday, April 9. The workers went on strike when their agreement with the management over the pay disputes last February was not honored immediately. All employees participated in the recent protest including workers in production and cane-cutting sections.

Workers in this factory went on strike over their unpaid salaries in October of 2007 and then again in February and March.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, lauded the striking workers and called on all citizens, in particular the youths, in Shoosh and the southwestern province of Khuzistan to provide material and moral support to the striking workers.

She said that at a time when Iranian labor force is suffering from poverty, inflation, unemployment and high prices, the country's vast revenues are spent on suppression at home and export of terrorism abroad. The wealth of the nation is either used in the way of obtaining nuclear weapons or is plundered by the ruling clerics and their families.

Mrs. Rajavi called on all labor organizations and unions especially the International Labor Organization to condemn the systematic suppression of the Iranian workers by the mullahs' regime and support their demands.       

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 9, 2008 

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