Iran: 493 Executions since the beginning of 2013

NCRI – The regime of mullahs collectively hanged seven prisoners, including a woman, in Diezelabad prison of Kermanshah on October 21. The hanged woman was Nastaran Safari, 26.

Hence, the number of those executed since the beginning of 2013 reached 493 with 253 of them that include at least 13 women, executed after regime’s sham presidential election.

Ahmad Shafi-khani who is imprisoned in Orumiyeh central prison and who was a minor at the time of his alleged crime is on the verge of execution.

Mullahs’ regime, unable to confront its numerous deadly internal and international crises and while infighting within its ranks deepens and takes on added dimensions every day, has resorted to intensifying suppression, especially the barbaric punishment of execution, to prevent outpouring of populace’s rage and its certain downfall.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 24, 2013

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