Iran: 48 executed after sham election, including mass execution of 21 prisoners in Karaj

NCRI – The inhumane mullahs’ regime has resumed the wave of collective executions after the sham presidential elections, and in just 3 days sent 35 inmates to the gallows in Ghezel Hessar, Gohardasht, Urumieh and Bam prisons.

On Tuesday, July 2nd, 21 inmates were hanged in a horrific crime in Ghezel Hessar Prison in Karaj (west of Tehran). On Wednesday, July 3rd, four inmates were executed in Gohardasht Prison, also in Karaj. One of the victims, 25-year old Saeed Afshar, was detained when he was merely 15 and had tolerated 10 years behind bars before being executed.

On Thursday, July 4th, four inmates in Urumieh and six others in Bam prisons were hanged (Mehr news agency, affiliated to the Ministry of Intelligence).

The total number of executions carried out after the regime’s sham presidential election reaches 48, including a woman. However news of a high number of executions is never leaked to the outside world. In this same period, rulings were passed for hands amputations of six inmates in Shiraz and 11 death penalties in Marvdasht Fars.

The mullahs’ regime has once again resorted to collective executions to prevent uprisings by the enraged Iranian people, especially after the sham presidential elections.

During the term of Hassan Rohani, the new president of Iranian regime, who has no other mission other than maintaining the mullahs’ rule, the wheels of the velayat-e faqih system (loosely interpreted as rule of clerics) spin on executions, torture and lashings.

The Iranian resistance urges the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to take binding and immediate measures against such horrific and systematic human rights violations in Iran, especially the increasing trend of executions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 5, 2013

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