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Iran: 46 hangings in 20 days

Maryam Rajavi calls for an end to appeasement of mullahs’ brutal regime

NCRI – In an atrocious act on Saturday, January 8th, the inhumane clerical regime hanged 4 prisoners together in the Esfahan Prison. A day before, 2 prisoners were hanged in Boroujerd Prison, west of Iran.


Therefore, the total number of executions in the past 20 days has reached 46. The number of executions in the first eight days of 2011 is 20. These executions include, 16 prisoners in Zahedan, 8 in Qom, 7 in Kermanshah, 4 in Esfahan, 3 in Tehran, 2 in Saveh and 2 other in Boroujerd. Almost half of the prisoners executed were charged with moharebeh (waging war against God). During this time period, dozens of barbaric execution sentences were issued to prisoners in cities across the country.

Commenting on the rising trend of executions, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said: The religious fascism ruling Iran, unable to counter the growing discontent, has increased the number of barbaric executions and hangings in public in a bid to create an atmosphere of terror and fear. The regime fails to understand that resorting to such barbarism and medieval acts would only embolden the Iranian people’s resolve to reject the rule of velayat-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy) in its entirety.

She called on the UN Secretary General, the Security Council, the European Union and the United States to condemn the executions and reiterated that the appeasement of a regime, which is a shame for modern humanity and a record holder in executions and brutality in today’s world, must be stopped. Silence and inaction vis-à-vis all these cruelties would only embolden the regime in carrying out more torture, executions and murder, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 9, 2011