Iran: 27 executions in past 20 days

 File phorp- Public hanging in IranA prisoner flogged in public

NCRI – With three more hangings reported on Tuesday in cities of Dezful (southern Iran) and Mashhad (northeast Iran) the number of executions in the past 20 days reaches 27.

The state-run daily Quds reported on Tuesday that two prisoners were hanged in Mashhad. It gave no details about the prisoners.

Another prisoner identified as Rahman R. was hanged in Dezful on April 20 (State-run Fars news agency, April 27). On the same day, a prisoner named Reza S. was flogged in public in the southern city of Masjed-suleiman.

On the brink of the International Workers’ Day, the clerical regime is creating an atmosphere of intimidation and terror in a bid to prevent spread of public protests especially by workers. To this end it has stepped up executions, some in public, and the medieval punishment of flogging in public.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations, in particular the UN Secretary General, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and relevant UN special rapporteurs to condemn executions and take urgent measures to stop the prevailing criminal trend in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 28, 2010

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