Iran: 25-year-old beaten to death in detention in Shahroud

NCRI – Abbas Sediqi, 25, was beaten to death after a day in detention by the Iranian regime’s suppressive State Security Forces (SSF) in the town of Shahroud (northeastern Iran), according to reports from Iran.

In an attempt to cover up its crime, the SSF declared the cause of his death as suicide by hanging. However, testimonies by witnesses and the young man’s family reject the regime’s claim as a blatant lie and say that he was brutally beaten to death.

Mr. Sediqi was arrested on May 21 when he intervened in defense of a street vendor under attack by local municipal agents. He was badly beaten on the scene and taken to the Police Station number 11 in the city. He later died as a result of fatal blows he received at the station.

Mr. Sediqi, after his father’s death nine months ago, had to take care of his mother and five sisters and brothers. He was the breadwinner of the family.

In a letter to the SSF commander in Semnan province (where Shahroud is located), Mr. Sedighi’s family wrote: “It is astonishing that a 25-year-old man has been murdered at the SSF headquarters without the notification of his family and without committing any offense or crimes. By examining his body, his ripped clothes and considering his bleeding mouth and nose, it is quite evident that he died after being beaten and receiving repeated blows at the [SSF] station.”

The Iranian Resistance condemns this savage crime and calls on the United Nations Secretary General, Security Council, and High Commissioner for Human Rights, to send an international delegation to investigate the deteriorating state of human rights and the situation of prisoners in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (Paris)
May 29, 2009

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