Iran: 24 executions in 10 days

• Executions in last 20 months equals to last 20 years: Ghazvin deputy public prosecutor
The anti-humane clerical regime collectively executed 8 prisoners on October 31st in Tehran’s Evin Prison. Prior to this, 16 prisoners were hanged on the 22nd and 24th of October in Ghazvin and Gohardasht prisons, respectively. Therefore, the number of executions in just the past 10 days has reached 24 counts.

Sadegh Koohi, 27, an inmate of Gohardasht Prison, was executed on October 24th after enduring eight years behind bars. He was sent to the gallows merely for protesting physical tortures and insults to this his family, and beating Ali Khadem, deputy prison ward of Gohardasht Prison. Torturer Ali Khadem personally executed this prisoner.
Meant to create a climate of fear to prevent the explosive atmosphere resulting from people’s wrath, the number of executions across Iran has increased in an unprecedented manner. “The number of executions in the past 20 months in Ghazvin is equivalent to that of the past 20 years,” the city’s public prosecutor said.
The Iranian Resistance calls on all international and human rights organizations for urgent measures to stop the atrocious trend of human rights violations in Iran, especially the increasing and collective executions by the clerical regime. The Iranian Resistance also calls for a fact-finding mission to be dispatched to the mullahs’ Middle East-like dungeons to look into the implementation of brutal and inhumane punishments.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 2, 2012

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