Iran : 23 executions in two weeks



NCRI – The antihuman regime of mullahs hanged four youths on Wednesday morning, October 12 in Shahin Shahr prison. In the period of October 2nd to 11th, nine more prisoners were hanged in the cities of Isfahan, Kerman, Sari and Semnan.  Also, at least 10 other prisoners were executed secretly during the same period in the prisons of Gohardasht, Orumieh, Kerman and Khorin in Varimin. This brings the number of executions to 23 over the past two weeks (Since October 1st).

In fear of escalation of popular uprising in Iran and worried of Arab Spring and destruction of its regional front, the mullahs’ regime has resorted to increasing repression inside the country and export of terrorism and fundamentalism abroad. World community’s silence and inaction has emboldened and encouraged this regime in continuation and escalation of its crimes.
Accordingly, the Iranian Resistance, calls on the UN Secretary-General, Security Council, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Special Rapporteur for violation of human rights in Iran, and all human rights advocates to take binding and urgent measures against the medieval regime of mullahs to stop growing trend of repression in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 14, 2011

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