Iran: 21 Prisoners, Including 11 Baluchis, Executed in One Week


Terrified of the eruption of the people’s anger and discontent, the mullahs’ regime executes more prisoners every day. Seven Baluch prisoners were hanged in Zahedan, Zabul, and Iranshahr prisons today, Saturday, August 20. Omid Alizehi, Morteza Dehwari, Abdol Baset Barahui, Abdol Rahim Esmailzehi and Mohsen Salarzehi were hanged in Zahedan prison, Nader Barahui in Iranshahr prison, and Mehdi Piri in Zabul prison. Omid Alizehi, arrested in 2017, was 16 at the time of the alleged crime. These bring to 21 the number of prisoners executed last week, 11 of them Baluchis.

Based on documents obtained from the mullahs’ judiciary, the NCRI Security and Counterterrorism Committee disclosed on May 16, 2022, that 5,197 prisoners are currently on death row or sentenced to Qisas (retribution).

The Iranian Resistance once again calls on the United Nations and the human rights advocates, as well as the European Union and its member states, to take immediate action to prevent the dramatic rise in executions and to stop the mullahs’ killing machine. Dispatching an international investigation delegation by the United Nations to Iran to visit the prisons and meet with the prisoners is more imperative than ever before.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 20, 2022

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