Iran: 21 executed during 3 days of Rouhani’s absurd show at UN

Number of executions after sham election reaches 201

NCRI – From September 24 to 26, simultaneous with regime’s President Mullah Rouhani’s participation at the UN General Assembly and his absurd shows in New York, the anti-human clerical regime’ henchmen executed 21 prisoners, including four women, in various cities of Iran. Hence, the number of registered executions following the sham elections reached 200. Thousands more prisoners are on the death row as well.

Just on September 25, fourteen prisoners were executed in two groups of eight and six in prisons of Orumiyeh and Gohardasht.

Three of those executed in Orumiyeh were women prisoners. Similarly, one of those executed in Gohardasht was a woman hanged after suffering 10 years of imprisonment.

Eight more prisoners were executed in Kerman prison on September 24 and 26 (Mehr news agency, affiliated with Ministry of Intelligence – September 26, 2013).

Additionally, a prisoner was hanged in Vakilabad prison of Mashhad on September 23. Few days prior, at least two prisoners, Khorsheed Mohammadi and Farokh Yekani, were hanged in Orumiyeh prison.

In yet another atrocity, regime’s henchmen in Zahedan prison, hanged the body of Ahmad Issa Zehi, 23, who had already died of heart attack before his execution in order to intensify atmosphere of terror and fear through this atrocious act.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 27, 2013


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