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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: 20 prisoners group-hanged in Kerman and Karaj prisons

Iran: 20 prisoners group-hanged in Kerman and Karaj prisons

NCRI – In yet another anti-human crime this morning, Monday, May 19, the religious fascism ruling Iran hanged 10 prisoners in Gohardasht Prison of Karaj. The prisoners had been removed from their wards the previous day under pretenses of dispatching them to hospital or to the court and were sent to solitary confinement. The day prior to these executions, another 10 prisoners had been executed in the prison of Kerman. Thus, the number of recorded executions just since April 21 reaches 113.

In such catastrophic conditions, the criminal President of this regime Rouhani expressed concern for the “low threshold of population’s tolerance” (Fars news agency – May 6) and described the barbaric death penalty as “law of the God” or “law of the parliament that belongs to the people” (Tasnim news agency, associated with the terrorist Qods Force – April 19). Likewise, other functionaries or senior officials of this regime underscore “harsh and merciless measures against culprits”.

The silence and inaction of the international community, particularly the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations Security Council, regarding the incessant and escalating executions in Iran registers as an unprecedented record of ignorance towards crime and barbarism in the 21st century that with whatever pretense shall ultimately imperil peace and security throughout the region and the globe.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 19, 2014