Iran: 17 executions in less than two weeks.Number of executions amounted to 220 since beginning of the year

On the verge of Ramadan (Muslims’ fasting month), the antihuman regime of mullahs, hanged another prisoner in Iranshahr (southeast Iran) on July 19. Mullahs’ justice department accused him of killing a commander of IRGC (Iran’s revolutionary guard). On the  same day a female prisoner, 28, after being six years in Adel-abad jail, was hanged in Shiraz and a man  was also hanged  in public in Shiraz.

Other prisoners who were executed include eight prisoners in Qazvin including a father and his son (9- 17 July), three prisoners in Kerman (July 16), two prisoners in Zahedan’s central prison, and another prisoner in Baft-Kerman (July 8). As such, the number of executions since the beginning of the year has reached 220, at least.
The mullahs’ regime’s resorting to this brutal punishment is in fact the reaction of a faltering regime incapable of confronting expanding public abhorrence and widespread domestic and international crises, particularly in a condition that Syrian dictator, as its foremost regional ally, is on the verge of overthrow.
 In regard to the rising number of executions, head of regime’s State Security Force said that soft attitude “does not mean to us to put aside batons and smile to the guilty. When a person is executed, it’s like a spoiled part of body that needs to be amputated.” (state media- July 14)
Iranian Resistance calls on international authorities, particularly human rights bodies to take urgent and firm measure to stop brutal suppression, especially savage punishment of execution, in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 21, 2012  

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