Iran: 17 executions in four days including at least 3 young prisoners


The antihuman mullahs’ regime hanged 17 prisoners in the time span of April 23 to 27. On Wednesday, April 27, six prisoners were collectively hanged in Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) Prison. One of the prisoners by the name of Milad Mostakhdem had been taken to the hanging pole for the seventh time, a known method used by the regime’s henchmen to psychologically torture prisoners.

On April 26, three young men – aged between 22 to 30 years – were executed in Zahedan’s central prison while another prisoner was executed in Qazvin prison. Two other prisoners were hanged in a prison in the city of Sari on April 24. And five prisoners were collectively hanged on April 23 in Zahedan’s central prison.

As such, the number of executions in April reaches 52. The objective of these arbitrary and collective executions is to intensify the climate of horror and fear and prevent the explosion of popular discontent and loath, especially of the youth, against the Iranian regime.

These executions happening concurrent and after visits to Tehran by the Italian Prime Minister and the EU High Representative demonstrates that visits by European officials not only fail to result in any improvements in human rights, but embolden this regime in its brutal and systematic violation of human rights. Economic and political relations with this regime lack all legitimacy and need to be preconditioned to an improvement of human rights, particularly a halt in the executions.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the Iranian people, especially the courageous youths, to stand up against the crimes and collective and daily executions by this regime and to express their solidarity and sympathy with the families of those executed and the prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 27, 2016

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