Iran: 16 Executions on Wednesday and Thursday, and 74 Executions Over the Past 13 Days, Including Two Female Prisoners


Call for immediate action to save the lives of prisoners on death row, especially political prisoners


Ali Khamenei’s henchmen hanged 11 prisoners on Wednesday, May 1, and 5 prisoners on Thursday, May 2. In addition to political prisoner Anwar Khezri, and Farzad Garavand and Majid Barati, whose executions were announced in the May 1 statement, on the same day Reza Shirdehi, Majid Hazbari, Mehdi Agha Jafari and another prisoner were hanged at Qezelhessar Prison, Ali Ashraf Khani and Khosrow Baba Valedaini in Kermanshah, Ahmad Hayrati in Shiraz and Nasser Hariri in Qazvin were hanged by executioners.

On Thursday, May 2, the regime’s judiciary hanged four prisoners, Saeed Ranjdoust, Saber Amin Abadi, Mohammad Rasul Khoshkar and Mehdi Habibi in Tabriz, and Yaqub Amiri in Ardabil. In this way, the religious fascism ruling Iran has sent 74 prisoners, including two women, to the gallows in the past 13 days.

On the other hand, Sunni political prisoner Khosrow Besharat has been transferred to solitary confinement on May 1 for the execution of his death sentence, and it is said that his family has been summoned for the last visit. Other political prisoners sentenced to death, including Reza Rasaei, Mojahed Kurkur, Habib Deris, and Abbas Deris, are also at risk of execution.

In another criminal act, the regime’s judiciary accused 47-year-old political prisoner, Masoud Jamei, who is imprisoned at Sheiban Prison in Ahvaz, of corruption on earth, membership in the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), and conspiracy to overthrow the government on Monday, April 28. Jamei, who was arrested on first of August 2023, is suffering from severe stomach cancer, liver disease, high blood pressure, and severe internal infection, but the prison authorities do not take any action to treat him.

On the other hand, the prisoners of the central prison of Karaj have been suffering from skin diseases for months due to the dire health conditions, but no action is taken to treat them, and prison authorities do not give them medicines such as ointment brought by the families of the prisoners. In addition, in Khorramabad prison, the officers steal the medicines brought by the families for their children and do not give them to the prisoners.

Khamenei, in his decline, does not turn away from any crime. Silence in the face of the spearhead of terror, execution, and warmongering is trampling on the universal values of human rights. The Iranian Resistance calls for urgent international action to save the lives of political prisoners on death row, to refer the case of human rights violations by this regime to the UN Security Council, and to bring its leaders to justice.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May, 4, 2024

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