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Iran: 143 executed since June election, Rouhani government rejects visit by UN human rights monitor

NCRI – The Iranian regime hanged a group of five prisoners on August 26 in the city of Qom. Additionally, 26 more prisoners were hanged in six groups between August 19 – 22 in the cities of Arak, Urumiyeh, Karaj and Mashhad. Also, the regime’s henchmen hanged one prisoner in Isfahan and three others in Ahwaz during the same period.

Moreover, there a recent report has revealed the execution of three prisoners on August 15 in the newly built prison, The Greater Tehran Prison, situated on Hassan-abad road to Qum where a number of elements of mullahs’ judiciary are stationed in the prison to try prisoners in the prison itself.

So far, the number of executions since sham presidential elections in June has reached to at least 143 with 40 taking place after Hassan Rouhani has assumed office.

On Tuesday, Hassan Rouhani’s government turned down a request by Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, to visit the country.

“We do not consider Ahmed Shaheed to be an impartial rapporteur,” Foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Araqchi said during his weekly briefing with reporters in Tehran, State-run media reported.

Since two years that Ahmed Shaheed has been designated as the United Nations Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran, the ruling mullahs have not allowed him to visit the country and have described his reports as “baseless allegations” and his resources as “terrorists and anti-revolutionaries”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 28, 2013