Iran: 13 hangings, death sentences in one week

Iranian regime intensifies wave of executions following Security Council referral of Tehran’s nuclear dossier

The Iranian state-controlled media reported that at least 13 persons had been hanged or sentenced to death in the past five days. 

Two prisoners, Ayat Kh. and Mehdi A., were sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court in the southern Iranian Province of Fars on February 15.

On February 12, the state-run daily Qods reported the execution of three prisoners in the northeastern city of Sabzevar.

The mullahs’ regime also hanged two other prisoners on February 15 in the southwestern town of Dezful.

Tehran’s criminal court chief confirmed Wednesday the death sentences for two 18 year olds, and Fars Province’s Justice Department chief said the Supreme Court had upheld death sentences for two other prisoners.

Branch 71 of Tehran’s criminal court sentenced a man, named Mohammad, to death. Tehran Province’s criminal court sentenced a boy, only 15, to death on February 15.

The Iranian Resistance again calls on the international community to condemn Tehran’s barbaric executions and to take practical steps, including the referral to the United Nations Security Council of the Iranian regime’s human rights file, in order to halt the continuation and escalation of these atrocities. Silence and inaction vis-à-vis the mullahs’ inhuman crimes have emboldened them in the suppression, massacre and torture of the Iranian people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 17, 2006

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