Iran: 13 Executions in One Day


11 executed in mass killing, juvenile hanged

The inhumane mullahs’ regime ruling Iran hanged at least 13 prisoners on Thursday. 11 of these victims were horrifically mass executed in Birjand Prison, Eastern Iran.

One of these prisoners, Alireza Tajiki, was hanged in Adel Abad Prison of Shiraz, central Iran. He was a young prisoner arrested at the age of 15 at the time of his alleged crime. Tajiki faced mock executions time and again and was finally sent to the gallows based on vague charges and despite requests for appeal placed by his family gone neglected.

Another prisoner was executed in the town of Mati Kalai near Babol, northern Iran in Mazandaran Province.

The increasing waves of crackdown and nearly 3,100 executions during the tenure of Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s so-called moderate president, proves that moderation and reformism are nothing but a mirage in the barbaric system ruling Iran.

The mullahs’ regime, being the disgrace of modern humanity, must be expelled from the United Nations and its leaders placed before justice in international tribunals for crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 10, 2017

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