IRAN: 11 prisoners in Orumiyeh and Karaj at imminent risk of execution


Mohammad Abdollahi, Kurdish political prisoner is among prisoners transferred for execution

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations, particularly the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and international human rights organizations to take urgent action to prevent the execution of Kurdish political prisoner Mohammad Abdollahi and 10 other prisoners who are on the verge of execution in the prisons of Orumiyeh and Karaj.

On the morning of Monday August 8, henchmen forced Mohammad Abdollahi out of the prison yard of Ward 12 of Orumiyeh Central Prison and into solitary confinement. At the same time the Ministry of Intelligence informed his family to come from Mahabad to Orumiyeh Prison for their last visit.

Mohammad Abdollahi, 35, a Kurdish political prisoner from Bokan was arrested in March 2011 in Mahabad by the Revolutionary Guards intelligence unit and was sentenced to death on the charge of “Moharebeh” (waging war against God). He began a hunger strike on May 29 which lasted 32 days to protest his unjust sentence.
Meanwhile six ordinary prisoners of Orumiyeh Central Prison including the mother of a three-year-old child have been transferred to solitary confinement for their execution. On the same day, four prisoners in Gohardasht Prison were transferred to solitary confinement and are on the verge of death.

In another development in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, following the criminal execution of 25 Sunni political prisoners on August 2, mercenaries of the prison special guards raided the wards of Sunni political prisoners, beat them, and transferred a number of them to Ward 5 while blindfolded and handcuffed. Dozens of Sunni political prisoners in Hall 21 of Ward 7 have gone on hunger strike since August 2 to protest the execution of the prisoners.

Mohammad-Javad Larijani, secretary of the so-called “human rights council” of the regime’s Judiciary, whose task is to provide justification for torture and executions carried out by the regime, while acknowledging the “high number of executions” pointed out that “Westerners are secular and liberal, and security is the basis of the formation of Western governments.” He added: “We do not have to be imposed human rights based on that Western logic ….. to hell with the fact that they are unhappy with us. Are we supposed to win their hearts?” (Fars News Agency, affiliated to the IRGC, August 4, 2016).

In his August 7 letter to Mr. Zeid Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in justifying the mass execution of at least 25 Sunni political prisoners on August 2, he wrote: “Any individual or group under any cover and on any basis who wants to make the society insecure and create the atmosphere of fear and terror certainly deserves to be tried and punished.” (Fars News Agency, August 7).

Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the Foreign Policy and National Security Commission of the regime’s parliament, said: “Human rights are not a Western concern … They are concerned about the lives of terrorists that we were right to execute.”

Indecisiveness by the international community against these criminal executions emboldens the leaders of the regime to continue their crimes. They must be prosecuted and punished for 38 years of killings and crimes against the Iranian people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 8, 2016


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