Iran: 11 hangings in the cities of Ahwaz, Esfahan, Behbahan, and Dezfoul

Major portion of hangings in recent weeks carried out in southern cities

NCRI – On Saturday, August 7, the inhumane clerical regime carried out yet another heinous act by collectively executing five prisoners at Karoun Prison in the southern city of Ahvaz. The state-run Fars news agency, affiliated with the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), identified the victims with their initials as “M. M.” “M. G.” “Y. S.” “S. A.” and “A. R.,” claiming that they were charged with drug trafficking.

On Monday, August 2, a prisoner identified as Reza Mohajer was executed at Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison after being incarcerated for 11 years.

Among the regime’s other criminal acts in recent days were the hanging of two prisoners in Esfahan on Sunday, August 1, who were identified as “Behnam J.,” 32, and “Shahram A.,” as well as the execution of two others identified only as “A. B.” and “S. D.” in the city of Dezfoul. On Saturday, the regime executed a prisoner in Behbahan.

This brings the number of hangings in the past eight days to eleven, the majority of which was carried out in southern cities of the country.

Setting up gallows in various parts of Iran is done with the intention of spreading terror and fear in society and demonstrates the weakening regime’s inability to confront growing protests and anger from the Iranian people.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights authorities, particularly the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and rapporteurs for arbitrary arrests and executions to condemn the deteriorating human rights situation in Iran and to enact urgent measures to stop the cruel punishment by hanging in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 8, 2010

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