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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: 11 executions in 3 cities on April 8 and 11

Iran: 11 executions in 3 cities on April 8 and 11

Iran: 11 executions in 3 cities on April 8 and 11 NCRI – According to the state-run media in Iran, the mullahs' regime in its new campaign of repression and executions, has hanged 11 prisoners on April 8 and 11.

On April11, three inmates were executed at the central prison of Esfahan. They were Morteza, 40, Ghader, 32, and Gholam Reza, 38 (Fars News Agency, April 12).

According to Mehr news agency (linked to the Ministry of Intelligence and Security) and the Quds Daily, five prisoners were hanged together at the Central Prison of Mashhad and three other prisoners at Taybad prison on April 8. The regime charged them with drug trafficking but disclosed no names.

Over the years, the clerical regime has executed numerous political prisoners under the pretext of drug trafficking or other common crimes.

The faltering regime has again increased the number of death sentences to create a climate of fear and terror. With more than 440 executions last year, the regime had the highest number of executions per capita.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights organizations, including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, to condemn executions in Iran and take urgent measures to stop the current criminal trend. It also calls for expulsion of the regime from all human rights bodies.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 12, 2010