Iran: 100 executions in Ahmadinejad’s term

Public hangings in Iran


6 prisoners hanged and 2 others condemned to death in past week by anti-human clerical regime

NCRI – State-run media reported that in the past week alone the anti-human clerical regime in Iran has hanged 6 prisoners in public and handed down 2 death sentences. One of the death sentences was for a woman prisoner and the other for a teenager who was only 16 years-old at the time of the alleged crime.
Three prisoners were hanged in the western Iranian city of Kermanshah, two in the northern city of Gorgan, and one other in the city of Gazvin in the northeastern part of Iran. State-run daily Iran reported on November 15 that a man whose wife was executed in 2003 was hanged. The government-controlled Kayhan also reported on November 13 that two men were hanged in public in the town square of Gorgan.
That brings the number of hangings and death sentences in the last five months, since the start of Ahmadinejad’s term as president of the clerical regime, to 100 persons.
Last week the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly issued a strongly worded condemnation of the continuation of torture and executions in Iran, particularly of youth under 18 years of age. This amounts to the 52nd resolution in condemnation of the violations of human rights in Iran.
The Iranian Resistance recalls that the anti-human clerical regime in Iran has disregarded 52 resolutions of various UN bodies condemning its continued human rights violations, and therefore calls for the referral of the Iranian regime’s criminal file of human rights violations to the UN Security Council for adoption of appropriate measures.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 22, 2005

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