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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIntensification of pressures and torture of imprisoned PMOI supporters and Ashraf...

Intensification of pressures and torture of imprisoned PMOI supporters and Ashraf residents’ families

The anti-human clerical regime has intensified physical and psychological torture and pressure on political prisoners who are supporters of PMOI.
Health of Ms. Zahra Mansouri, 60, a political prisoner supporter of PMOI in Evin Prison who had just had a difficult surgery, is seriously threatened as she is being deprived of her medicine.

Henchmen prevent medicine prescribed by her doctor that obstructs her epileptic attacks and are vital to her health from reaching her. Zahra Mansouri, from family of PMOI members in Ashraf has been condemned to two years in prison and a five years suspended prison term on the charge of “act against national security”.
Meanwhile, on November 26, henchmen transferred her brother Mohammad Ali Mansouri with handcuffs and fetters from Gohardasht Prison in Karaj to mullahs’ “Revolutionary Court” in Tehran on the pretext of paying a fine of 1,500,000 rial. Henchmen insultingly and humiliatingly inspected him and in an insulting treatment forcibly put dirty prisoners clothing on him that may transfer all kinds of illnesses to him.
Mohammad Ali Mansouri, a political prisoner in 1980’s and a family member of PMOI in Ashraf, was arrested in September of 2007 merely for participating in the memorial for the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. On the charge of having connections with the PMOI, he was condemned to 17 years in prison and exiled to Gohardasht plus 1,500,000 rial fine. During the past five years he has been under torture and torment in dreaded prisons such as in the 209 ward of Evin, solitary cells of ward 1 in Gohardasht known as dogs den, and hall number 12 of ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison.
Previously, political prisoner Mohammad Banazadeh Amirkhizi stricken by cancer, after a long time stalling of his medical appointment, was transferred to the hospital in a humiliating fashion in prisoners’ uniform wearing handcuffs and fetters. To increase pressures on this 66 year old father, they even refrained from opening his fetters in the hospital and through insulting inspections tormented him as he entered and then left the hospital.
Mr. Banazadeh who is a reputable merchant in Tehran was arrested in December 2009 just because of speaking with her daughter in Ashraf on the phone and subsequently condemned to five years in prison. Three members of his family were executed in the 1980’s for their support of the PMOI. His old mother, wife and two younger brothers suffered torture and imprisonment for visiting Camp Ashraf to see their children and family. His sister, Ms. Kobra Banazadeh, 58, was also arrested in this relation and condemned to five years in prison and is presently in the women’s ward of Evin Prison. She went blind in one eye under torture and her other eye is also on the verge of losing the eyesight in her other eye due to being deprived of medical care.
Iranian Resistance warns of intensification of pressures and humiliation of political prisoners, including political prisoners who are supporters of PMOI and families of Ashraf residents. It calls on all international organs and defenders of human rights, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Special Rapporteurs on Arbitrary Detentions and Torture and Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran to send a fact-finding delegation to investigate the condition of prisons and prisoners in Iran, especially that of the political prisoners.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 28, 2012