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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIntelligence Minister acknowledges arrest of 200 protesters in Ahwaz

Intelligence Minister acknowledges arrest of 200 protesters in Ahwaz

ImageIranian Resistance calls on international human rights bodies to take urgent action to save the lives of those arrested

Subsequent to clashes last night in Ahwaz and the continuing unrest in the city for the third day running, Intelligence Minister Ali Younessi today acknowledged the arrest of 200 protesters. Based on reports from Ahwaz, nearly 400 of those arrested are being held in the city’s Karoun Prison, where they are undergoing torture and interrogation by Intelligence Ministry agents and the Revolutionary Guards.
At least six protesters were killed when the Revolutionary Guards opened fire on the demonstrators.
Admitting that the regime’s forces had become demoralized in the face of growing crises plaguing the ruling theocracy, Younessi said, "There are those who quickly think we have reached an impasse. They should not be disappointed with minor problems. These problems have always been there and are quite natural."
Admitting to the crises from which the regime is suffering, he added, "We have the art of letting off the social pressures and can control probable social movements in the country. We are not at all concerned and do not face an impasse. The Intelligence Ministry could handle ten crises at the same time."
In order to intimidate the public, Younessi claimed, "Half the people are the Intelligence Ministry’s source of information."
On the eve of the sham Presidential election, he threatened the public with crackdown, describing actions such as "boycotting the election, sit-ins, false exposures and rumor mongering" as actions that are intended to bring about the "soft overthrow" of the regime.
The Iranian Resistance urges international human rights bodies and organizations to take urgent action to save the lives of those arrested.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 18, 2005