Increasing suppression of political prisoners in ward 209 of Evin Prison

NCRI – In past few months, the henchmen of Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in ghastly ward 209 of Evin Prison have put political prisoners under psychological and physical pressure which has caused them mental and physical disorder.

For months, Messrs Keyvan Ansari, Saeed Masouri, Keyvan Rafii, Abul Fazal Jahandar, Saeed (Kheyrollah) Derakhshandi and Mohammad Ebrahimi spent time in the same ward. They have protested and went on a hunger strike over poor conditions within the prison. However, the prison’s officials are indifferent to their demands and in some cases have received involuntary tranquilizer injections or have been beaten by the guards to suppress their protests.
In the second week of April, upon Mr. Saeed Derakhshandi protest against his detention in ward 209, the prison officials had severely beaten him. Mr. Derakhshandi’s back as well as his left arm have been seriously injured as a result of beatings. The prison guards have refused to treat him. 

The Iranian Resistance called on the UN. Secretary General and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights as well as all international human rights organizations to condemn such criminal measures adopted by the mullahs’ regime against the political prisoners and called for an international fact finding mission to investigate their conditions.  

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 13, 2007


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