In Iran mullahs’ henchmen publicly hanged two young boys in Edalat (Justice) Square in Mashhad

shocking crime, mullahs’ henchmen hang an 18-year-old, and a juvenile under 18 years of age


In shocking crime, mullahs’ henchmen hang an 18-year-old, and a juvenile under 18 years of age
Iranian Resistance urges EU to cut off all dialogue with the religious fascism ruling Iran

The clerical regime’s henchmen publicly hanged two young boys in Edalat (Justice) Square in Mashhad (northeast Iran). One was 18 and the other below 18 years of age.

Before hanging the victims, the henchmen flogged each of them 228 times. The executioners wore masks fearing reprisals and anti-riot forces put the entire area under their control to prevent outbreak of public protests.

In shocking crime, mullahs’ henchmen hang an 18-year-old, and a juvenile under 18 years of age
Iranian Resistance urges EU to cut off all dialogue with the religious fascism ruling Iran

The clerical regime’s henchmen publicly hanged two young boys in Edalat (Justice) Square in Mashhad (northeast Iran). One was 18 and the other below 18 years of age.

Before hanging the victims, the henchmen flogged each of them 228 times. The executioners wore masks fearing reprisals and anti-riot forces put the entire area under their control to prevent outbreak of public protests.

The victims were charged with disrupting public order among other things. They had been imprisoned since 14 months ago, meaning that they were 16 years old at the time of the alleged offences.

The dramatic rise in public executions, including those of under-18 juveniles, comes as the European Union has refused in the past three years to table a resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Commission to condemn the violations of human rights in Iran. Instead, it has engaged in “human rights dialogue” with the murderous mullahs. The execution of juveniles is a by-product of this shameful dialogue.

The barbaric executions occurred exactly 24 hours prior to the start of negotiations between the mullahs’ representative and the EU-3 in London. Silence vis-à-vis this hideous crime and the continuation of talks with this regime is tantamount to trampling on all values for which European nations fought for centuries and offered many sacrifices.

 The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) underscores that these executions were a blatant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and most international covenants. It calls for the censure of the mullahs’ regime and the appointment by Human Rights Commission of a special rapporteur to monitor the situation of human rights in Iran. The NCRI urges the European Union to immediately stop any dialogue with this medieval regime and not allow the mullahs to use such contacts to legitimize their atrocities.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 20, 2005

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