Horrendous execution of nine people, including a woman, in Iran?s notorious Evin Prison

Hanging noose


NCRI – In a brutal act, the mullahs’ regime hanged nine prisoners, including a woman, at dawn today in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran.

Ali Sadeqi, 35, was tortured to death in the central prison of Isfahan, central Iran, on December 21.  Five prisoners were hanged in a prison in the holy city of Qom on December18. Five others were hanged in a prison in the city of northern Langroud on December13. Thus, the number of people executed or tortured to death in December stands at least 40 and five respectively.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance's President-elect, offered her condolences to the bereaved families of the victims of these criminal murders. She reiterated that this latest horrendous act on the eve of the birth of Jesus Christ shows that this regime cannot stay in power for even a day if it abandons executions, torture, suppression, and state murders.

She stressed that further appeasement of the regime by some governments, in particular by EU states, and turning a blind eye to crimes such as execution of minors and women gives a greater opportunity to the regime to step up its crimes.

Mrs. Rajavi urged all international human rights organizations and authorities, especially the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, to condemn the mass executions of prisoners and the horrific human rights situation in Iran. She reiterated that now more than ever it is essential for the regime’s human rights dossier and its prisoner execution record to be referred to the UN Security Council for adoption of immediate binding measures to stop this criminal trend.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 24, 2008

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