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Hassan Rouhani’s Deputy shocking acknowledgement of brutal executions in Iran


All men in a village in Sistan and Baluchistan have been executed

ٔNCRI – In an interview with Mehr state news agency on 25 February 2016, Shahindokht Molaverdi, Rouhani’s Deputy in Women and Family Affairs, acknowledged a minute section of Iranian regime’s criminal record and the unparalleled dimension of the executions. “We have a village in Sistan and Baluchistan that all of the men in that village have been executed,” Molaverdi said. “If the man of a family commits a crime, his wife and children must be punished? We have many cases were the man of the family has been thrown in prison for drug-trafficking or any other crime and the law has confiscated his belongings while a small apartment had been the only shelter for his wife and children… They have confiscated the only apartment of a family paying no heed to what a woman and her three children are to do [without a place to live].”

These are the executions that Rouhani demagogically confirmed them saying: “When someone is condemned to death… In any case, the law has condemned him/her to be punished and it is none of our business. It is either the divine law or a law ratified by the parliament that belongs to the people. We carry it out.” (Tasnim News Agency, affiliated with the terrorist Qods Force – April 19, 2014)

Two and a half year ago, when Rouhani became the president of the religious dictatorship, he claimed to be a moderate. However, the statistics indicating 2300 executions betray the real nature of the entirety of this regime, including its demagogic president Rouhani.
In its annual report published this week Amnesty International writes: “Unfair trials continued, in some cases resulting in death sentences… Courts imposed death sentences for a range of crimes; many prisoners, including at least four juvenile offenders, were executed.”

“Many trials, including some that resulted in death sentences, were grossly unfair. Prior to trial, the accused were frequently detained for weeks or months during which they had little or no access to lawyers or their families, and were coerced into writing or signing ‘confessions’ that were then used as the main evidence against them in unfair proceedings,” the report added.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 25, 2016