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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsGroup hanging of five prisoners in Gonbad-e Kavouss

Group hanging of five prisoners in Gonbad-e Kavouss

Suppressive measures and intimidation rise in fear of expansion of protests

NCRI – On Tuesday, November 9, in yet another criminal measure, the anti-human clerical regime hanged five prisoners in the city of Gonbad-e Kavouss.

On November 5, another prisoner was hanged in Esfahan’s central prison.


On that same day, in two different locations in the city of Tabass, four prisoners were lashed in public.

These actions are elements of the suppressive measures by the clerical regime to step up the atmosphere of terror and intimidation. Following the enforcement of a so-called plan “Increasing Neighborhood Security in Capital” in two thousand locations in Tehran, Sajedi-nia, commander of the Greater Tehran’s security forces, reported the arrest of 100 people aging 19-30. He stated: “An additional 400 that have been identified will be subsequently arrested… the arrestees shall be roamed in the districts to set an example” (State-run media reports – November 2).

In the city of Oroumiyeh, the chief of police and public security announced that in the first half of the current Persian year (March 21 – September 22) 3829 people have been arrested on charges of participating in “mixed-gender camping, smuggling of satellite dishes…” He described the objective of these arrests as ‘breaking the moral’ of the arrestees and ‘setting an example’ for others.

The faltering clerical regime, incapable of continuing its reign without executions, hangings and suppression, in fear of the expansion of protests especially in the light of ‘implementing targeted subsidies’, has resorted to intensification of the atmosphere of fear and terror while in fact, stepping up of executions and suppression and imposing of medieval anti-human punishments shall only double Iranian people’s resolve to resist the religious fascism ruling Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 10, 2010