Gathering of relatives of detainees outside Evin Prison for third week

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 73

NCRI – Hundreds of relatives of those detained in the course of the nationwide uprising on Monday gathered once again outside Evin Prison in Tehran. During this protest which has continued for the past three weeks, the families demanded to receive information about the state of their loved ones and their release. However, the regime continues to refuse to give them a response.

Agents of the State Security Forces and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) attacked the families at noon in an attempt to force them to leave. Several young people were arrested during the clashes.

The gathering by the families on Sunday lasted until 2:00am the following day. Many families were awaiting the release of their loved ones; however, the regime’s officials have refused to release them despite the families depositing large sums to bail them out.

A number of families demanded that Heydari-Far, a senior warden at Evin, to respond to their inquiries but instead he threatened them with a gun.

Relatives of the detainees on Sunday simultaneously protested outside the mullahs’ Revolutionary Court.

Thousands of young protestors have been arrested in the course of the nationwide uprising. They have been subjected to ruthless physical and psychological torture.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 6, 2009

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