France-Iran: Paris Court of Appeals revokes the last restrictions in the June 17, 2003 dossier



The time has come to announce the closure of the June 17 dossier

NCRI – On Friday, the Paris Court of Appeals in separate rulings lifted judicial restrictions on the seven remaining individuals arrested in connection with the June 17, 2003 dossier. The ruling came despite the fact that the investigative magistrate was opposed to the restrictions being revoked on baseless grounds. As such, the restrictions imposed on all the individuals involved in the June 17 dossier have now been lifted. The restrictions imposed on Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, and 16 other members and supporters of the Iranian Resistance were lifted by the Court of Appeals on 16 June, 2006.

These individuals had been placed under the most unjust restrictions, including a ban on traveling abroad from France, seeing each other or others involved in this case, entering the offices of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Auvers-sur-Oise, and had to appear before the police once a week. The court verdict annulled all these restrictions and permits them to take part in political activities in a completely free manner in accordance with the law.

The Court of Appeals ruling once again confirmed the fact that from the outset this dossier was baseless and had no legal founding and was simply the result of a dirty deal with the mullahs’ inhumane regime.

Despite the fact that it has been close to six years since the start of the investigation and despite the efforts of the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence and Security and the false statements by its agents, this dossier continues to remain void and has no indication of unlawful activity by the Resistance.

The refusal to send the dossier to court and its continuation under the pretext of further investigations has no objective other than restricting the Iranian Resistance in order to help the religious dictatorship ruling Iran which is on the verge of collapse. Nothing can save the mullahs’ regime, which is hated by the absolute majority of the Iranian people, from its inevitable downfall, and no one can prevent the Iranian nation from achieving freedom and democracy.

The Iranian Resistance reiterates that with each day that passes the political nature of the June 17 dossier becomes clearer, and calls on the French judicial apparatus to declare an end to this dossier and cease this injustice.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 7, 2006

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