Four prisoners hanged in Zahedan and Langroud

NCRI – The mullahs’ inhuman judiciary hanged in public two men identified as 25-year-old Taqi J. and 28-year-old Masoud M. in the northern city of Langroud reported the state-run news agency Fars on December 2.

According to the same source, two prisoners were hanged in the junction of Sa’adi and Amir-ol-Momenin streets in the south-eastern provincial capital of Zahedan.

These executions take place at a time when the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly has condemned the arbitrary executions and inhuman punishments as well as systematic violations of human rights in Iran. The increasing number of executions and the regime’s disrespect for international concern over its human rights record make it necessary to refer its human rights dossier to the UN Security Council for urgent action.      

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 4, 2006

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